Which Match Should Main Event Mania? Ambrose vs HHH On Network Special, WWE Releasing Surf’s Up 2

Triple H Roman Reigns

Which Match Should Go Last At Wrestlemania?

There’s no doubt that Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker has become the most high profile match of this year’s Wrestlemania, but should the World title match always go on last? Steve Austin discussed the conundrum on his podcast:

The world heavyweight title is everything. It’s really a flip of the coin and I don’t know how they feel about each match. I know they’re both very important, especially [for] the future of the company. I don’t know how long Shane’s going to be around. If indeed this is a long term investment, is there a work in progress? Is there a brand split?” Austin continued, “I would dare say, I think you go world heavyweight title and that’s your main event. At the end of the show, it’s Triple H versus Roman Reigns.

Austin admitted however that it will be hard to follow a Hell In A Cell match, something he has experience with:

Dude, when you’re slotted to follow one of those motherf–kers, you’re in for a rough day at the office. Me and Kane tried to follow one. I think it was Philly. Whatever it was, but Mankind and Taker. I think they were in the semi main [event] and we came on right after that. There may have been a match in between. I don’t remember. But my point is, those guys just destroyed the f–king place. It was like a ten-star match with [Mankind] doing the famous bumps off the announce table, through the roof, one of them accidentally through the roof of the cage. But it was their night. They stole the show. Me and Kane went out there and worked our asses off and tried to make chicken salad out of chicken s–t. And I loved working with Kane and it was a damn good match, but we couldn’t follow it. So can [Triple H and Reigns] follow that kind of match? I don’t know. I was over as a motherf–ker and we couldn’t follow it. Kane was over too.

Ambrose vs Triple H Headlining Live from Toronto

WWE have confirmed that Dean Ambrose will get his title shot against Triple H at the March to WrestleMania: Live from Toronto Network special, which has been renamed Roadblock.

The Road to WrestleMania has, quite literally, hit a roadblock. On March 12, a special event will take place on WWE Network that could completely alter the landscape of The Show of Shows. That is because at WWE Roadblock, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H will put his title on the line against The Lunatic Fringe, LIVE at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.
Roman Reigns captured his WrestleMania World Title opportunity at WWE Fastlane, but the following night on Raw, Triple H systematically dismantled his No. 1 contender and sent him into surgery. While he recouped from the assault, his brother-in-arms Ambrose decided to keep the 14-time World Champion busy — a challenge that The Cerebral Assassin accepted in painful fashion.

The Roadblock title match is already raising many questions. Will The Game even hold the esteemed gold when Reigns finally comes calling on April 3? After all, though Triple H is The Authority, authority is something Ambrose simply does not recognize. For The King of Kings, is conquering the completely unpredictable adversary easier said than done?

Moreover, if Ambrose does manage to defeat The Game, isn’t Triple H entitled to a rematch of his own? Plus, what will come of The Lunatic Fringe’s already established showdown against Brock Lesnar at The Showcase of the Immortals?

WWE Takes Over Animated Movie

WWE Studios have got the rights to the sequel of animated movie Surf’s Up, and will use Superstars and Divas to do the voice overs:


