Tommy Dreamer Returning? B Shows Draft, Triple H On Lesnar’s UFC Deal

Tommy Dreamer Back For Brand Split?
Another name from the past who has been contacted for the upcoming brand split is Tommy Dreamer. One issue however is the company does not want him working his House of Hardcore shows, which may result in him turning down the offer. Pundits have also noted that Dreamer has a history of concussion damage, however like a lot of current WWE stars the catch is that the company doesn’t test wrestlers thoroughly unless they suffer a new concussion on the company’s watch. So Dreamer would be fine until such a point where he suffers a new concussion.
What Happens To WWE’s B Shows?
WWE’s B shows Superstars and Main Event will be split between RAW and Smackdown rosters after the upcoming draft.
Speaking of the draft, Jim Ross wrote the following his latest blog:
“The upcoming WWE Draft and band separation/talent redistribution is drawing near and, as I have predicted, this exercise, of which I am optimistic about, will be likely be heavily second guessed by many hard core pro wrestling fans just because it is seemingly many fan’s favorite pro wrestling experience these days.
“I jest, somewhat, but you get the point. WWE will likely be ‘damned if they do’ and ‘damned if they don’t’ regarding this major development that could potentially be one of the most dynamic developments in WWE in years. I think the brand separation jury will be out until Orlando in April and I’m patient enough to give it that long before I pull my my soap box and ‘judge’ it.”
Triple H Says UFC Is Good For WWE
Triple H discussed Brock Lesnar’s return to UFC in a recent interview with ESPN:
“It’s huge. I think any time that you can have a WWE performer that can cross over into something else and have that kind of a night or a performance, whether that’s making a movie or television show or competing in the UFC, that’s huge. To me, it speaks to the amazing athlete that Brock Lesnar is. To be able to come back at such an elite level after a fairly long period of time doing something different and be that dominant is just amazing to me. We have said it a million times about Brock but I think it’s worth repeating. He’s a once-in-a-lifetime athlete that comes along and is just — you can see it when you look at him. Guys don’t come along that quick, that big, that fast, that aggressive and with that mentality. He is a once-in-a-lifetime combat athlete. Certainly he helps UFC, banking on Brock Lesnar’s name in the very beginning of him becoming a UFC star and showing his dominance in it. And now it’s the same thing, back and forth. They benefit from it, we benefit from it and it has been great. My hat’s off to Brock, he’s an amazing, amazing athlete.”