Sting Still Wants Taker, New NXT Team, Brian Cage Choked Out Ryback? Reigns Hates ‘Bae’

Sting Undertaker

Sting Still Wants To Wrestle Undertaker

Sting continues to clarify that he has not retired and still wants to wrestle again. He told that he still wants a match with Undertaker. “I’ve been very outspoken about that. Still a dream of mine … TMZ put something out and, again, I still have a dream inside of me. And it’s not dead yet,” said the upcoming Hall of Famer.

He also discussed whether he was satisfied with his two PPV matches in WWE:

“Just fantastic. Awesome. Incredible. It was WrestleMania and Triple H. And a lot of fans, if I understand what you’re trying to say here, sort of feel ‘Are you kind of disappointed that you lost two times?’ No, I’m not. I look back and say ‘Wow, great opponent in Triple H. Biggest stage and platform of them all.’ You know, wrestling fans remember me wrestling there. I don’t think they’re walking away thinking it sucked because I should have won. Maybe for a minute. But more so they’ll remember that I was at WrestleMania. And then to have a world title match against Seth? Wow. I’ve been world champion many times, so it didn’t bother me.”

TMDK Coming To NXT

WWE issued the following press release announcing the signing of popular independent tag team TMDK:

Tag team specialists The Mighty Don’t Kneel sign with WWE

Australians Michael Nicholls & Shane Veryzer — who’ve competed around the world as The Mighty Don’t Kneel — have signed with WWE and will report to Orlando next month.

One of the globe’s most decorated tag teams is on its way to the WWE Performance Center.

Michael Nicholls and Shane Veryzer have signed with WWE and will report to the WWE Performance Center in early April to begin training as part of a new class of recruits, has confirmed.

Hailing from Perth, Australia, the duo — known to fans as Mikey Nicholls and Shane Haste, aka The Mighty Don’t Kneel — has competed on their home continent and beyond, achieving their greatest notoriety in Japan under the banner of Pro Wrestling NOAH. While there, Nicholls & Veryzer trained in Japan’s rugged dojos, crossed paths with the likes of current NXT Superstar Hideo Itami and former ECW Champion Masato Tanaka, and won the league’s heavyweight tag team titles twice.

TMDK also developed a reputation for innovative double-team maneuvers, and were voted the top tandem of the year by members of the Japanese media in 2013. It was the first time that non-Japanese competitors had won the award since 1998, when Vader and soon-to-be WWE Hall of Famer Stan Hansen were honored. It is currently unknown whether Nicholls & Veryzer will continue as a team or pursue individual competition in NXT.

Lucha Underground Star On Training With Ryback

In a recent Reddit AMA Lucha Underground star Brian Cage revealed that he trained with Ryback and claims to have choked him out:

“Everybody says he’s the B version of me, or what the WWE wishes they (had) with me. But I don’t think that, I think he’s actually an underrated wrestler. I trained with Reeves. Back then I was the mini-machine and we had a shoot session and I was 20 pounds lighter than I am now and I choked him out. So, maybe I am better than him, but I don’t dislike him. I do appreciate too that he tries to steal my moves.”

Cage who has no desire to go to WWE says his dream is to go to New Japan:

“The dream is to get to New Japan. Ultimate dream match was with AJ Styles, but that won’t happen now. Outside of that I’ve pretty much accomplished what I’ve wanted to accomplish. Of course I want to win the LU title.”

Roman Reigns’ Pet Peeves

In an interview with USA Today Roam Reigns discussed his pet peeves:

“Ooh there’s so many, but I’d have to say close-talking. I hate it when people get in my face. Sometimes fans will get a little too close in my bubble and, at the end of the day, we’re all human. Give me 5 feet; not with your hand either.

…It took me forever to figure out what ‘bae’ was. I thought they were misspelling ‘babe.’ I think ‘bae’ is ridiculous!”

Stardust Teases Wrestlemania Gear


