Shane Training For Wrestlemania, Why Bayley Was At WWE HQ, Sunny’s HOF Ring Not Pawned

Shane McMahon European Champion

Shane McMahon Training Muay Thai

Shane McMahon is using Muay Thai to help him get back in to shape for his match at Wrestlemania. He posted the following on Twitter:

Speaking of Shane, it’s speculated that one of the reasons he is back with WWE is because his role with YOU On Demand in China is diminishing and he has the free time. He still owns a lot of stock in WWE, but hasn’t had a corporate position since 2009.

Bayley Films Network Content

The reason Bayley was at WWE HQ yesterday was to film scenes for Edge and Christian’s Network show:

Sunny Not Featured On Pawn Stars

It turns out the TV guide info for Wednesday’s Pawn Stars was incorrect. It wasn’t Sunny’s Hall of Fame ring that was being pawned on the reality show, it was Paul Bearer’s. The scene saw a friend of the family bring it in, but they rejected the $4,000 offer.

It should be noted that a large percentage of the items that appear on the show are never really pawned and were never intended to be. A lot of it is simply staged. So this doesn’t mean Bearer’s surviving son is really trying to sell the ring.


