RAW Preview: Shane Appearing? Scott Hall On Hogan Lawsuit, Ricochet Update

Shane McMahon RAW

Shane McMahon Appearing On RAW?

WWE.com are hyping the following points for RAW, which suggests Shane McMahon could be appearing:

– Can Styles claim Reigns’ WWE World Heavyweight Title?

– Will Shane McMahon bring us another “money” Raw?

– What does Dr. Phil have planned for Raw?

– Are the Dudley Boyz “Sawft”?

– Is Goldust ready for his close-up?

– Will The Wyatt Family seal The League of Nations’ fate?

– Can Natalya knock Charlotte off her pedestal?

Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson will also be backstage, as they were last week, though whether they will debut is yet to be seen.

Scott Hall Shoot Interview

Scott Hall gave a 30 minute shoot interview to Title Match Wrestling over WrestleMania weekend. You can watch the full video below. He discusses AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, Shinsuke Nakamura, Undertaker, Shane McMahon, Jim Cornette, the Bullet Club, the Hulk Hogan vs Gawker lawsuit, injuries in wrestling, the Young Bucks, NJPW, Bruiser Brody, NXT, TNA and more.

Ricochet Confirms Status

After denying rumors he was headed to NXT, Ricochet has confirmed his next big booking:


