Scott Steiner Blasts Goldberg, Flair’s Lightening Story, Final NXT Toronto Card, Edge Interview

Scott Steiner Goldberg

Scott Steiner Gets Jealous

It seems the “big bad booty daddy” is a tad jealous of Goldberg’s WWE 2K17 treatment, letting rip on Twitter in true Scott Steiner fashion:

He’s crazy, but that’s why we love him.

Ric Flair Struck By Lightening

During an interview with ESPN, Ric Flair retold a rarely known story about a time he was struck by lightening at an airport in Richmond, Virginia:

“I got off the plane and was walking. I didn’t go 10, 15 feet when all of a sudden I felt this pressure boom, and man, my umbrella shot 50 feet in the air … I thought, ‘What the hell?’ Lightning hit the top of my umbrella, bounced off and hit the guy in the eye five feet behind me and killed him. Right there. I just stood there looking at the guy and froze, it scared me to death. People were running out the door to get the guy … I’ve always wondered what kind of a lawsuit that was, because it was really a big deal, hence probably the steel tips coming off umbrellas at that point.”

Flair told host Dan Le Batard that the incident took place in the 70s, though previously he’s said it was the 80s. Either way it’s pretty crazy if true. Halle Berry would be impressed.

NXT TakeOver: Toronto Card

Here’s the final card for tonight’s NXT TakeOver Toronto event, live on the WWE Network:

– NXT Championship: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Samoa Joe

– NXT Women’s Championship: Asuka (c) vs. Mickie James

– Bobby Roode vs. Tye Dillinger

– Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Finals: The Authors of Pain vs. TM-61

– Two-out-of-Three Falls for the NXT Tag Team Championship: The Revival (c) vs. Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa

Edge or Goldberg’s Spear?

WWE Hall of Famer Edge was this week’s guest on ESPN Sports Center’s wrestling segment, and was asked whose spear is better – his or Goldberg’s:

“It depends on how you look at it. Bill is gonna run through you with his, I was gonna hit you from a ladder with mine. I had to come up with creative ways with mine. I’ll jump off a 20 foot ladder and hit you mid-air with mine. Bill ain’t gonna do that, but I’m not 275 so I’m not gonna run through you like Bill. I think as an opponent in the backstage the guys would rather take mine.”

Edge also gave his thoughts on Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg:

“It ain’t gonna be pretty. It’s gonna be two big hausses, I don’t know how else to explain that. It’s two Brahma Bulls. I’ve been in there with Brock, dude’s a freak, there is no other way to explain what he is and what he can do from an athletic standpoint. Bill will run through you. So what happens when you have two guys like that? Man, it’s going to be beastly. That’s the only way I can think to explain it. Having been in there with Brock and not been in there with Bill, I know what Brock can do. I don’t know from a first hand standpoint what Bill can do. So if I gotta pick a winner I say Suplex City, but Bill is a best and I’ve seen his strength. It’s pick’em. I don’t know who wins.”

“I get having his son now, and wanting to perform, and be that super hero, even if it’s one last time for his little boy and for his wife to see that. Those are good reasons. Those are amazing reasons. And to be able to still athletically be able to pull it off, like you said, the dude has mitts. I mean, he’s been staying in shape, he looks the part still, and I’m assuming that’s because he still is the part. It’ll be very interesting, but I know from being in there with Brock — at that point in my career I was 6’4 240 pounds and Brock was as fast as me. Except he was 6’2 300. So that’s crazy when you think of it in terms in just the physicality that that guy brings to the table.”


