Ryback Update, Cena Plays Hogan, WCW Special Returning? Steph’s On Air Role

Ryback Making Moves
Ryback is currently working on where to take his brand once he leaves WWE. He posted the following on social media:
Really excited about the brand I’m building and the things that I’m going for. Wrestling is just 1 part of my life and I refuse to let that be all I am or all that I’m known for. #FeedMeMore is who and what I am as a human being and greatness lies inside all of us. Don’t settle for being average. Stay hungry, set goals and reach those goals. Always say thank you and then it begins #FeedMeMore
It looks like he may be headed down some kind of life/fitness coach path.
John Cena In Hogan Skit
In an interesting move (considering Hulk Hogan is blacklisted from WWE) John Cena played him in a skit for NBC’s Maya & Marty on Tuesday.
Clash of the Champions Returning?
WWE have filed a new trademark for the “Clash of the Champions.” It looks like they may be brining back the classic WCW special. For those that don’t remember, the event would showcase PPV quality matches on TV.
The filing notes “TV shows” so we can assume this would be some kind of special on USA or a related channel, rather than the network.
Steph Gets People Over?
In a bit of a cringey Facebook Q&A, Stephanie McMahon said her sole purpose for being on TV was to get the roster over. She says heels getting their comeuppance is her favorite part of her on air role, even though this is one of the main criticisms against her. I.e. she doesn’t actually get her comeuppance that often.
Steph also revealed that she’s working on a book.