Mark Henry Eyes Retirement Match, Cesaro’s Booking, Stardust Attire Update

Mark Henry Wants To Retire Against Bryan
One of WWE’s most puzzling booking habits in recent months has been jobbing out Mark Henry, not because he shouldn’t be losing to younger stars but because the matches aren’t being built and therefore mean nothing. Though this is short-sighted from any way you look at it, part of the reason he’s being ignored by creative might be because he’s about to retire. Speaking with the WNS podcast he discussed wanting a retirement match against Daniel Bryan:
“I want to go out in dramatic fashion. Win, lose or draw I want to have a retirement match and a lot of guys have done it. Maybe even let the WWE Universe decide what my match will be. I’m not sure yet but it’s imminent. It’s coming … Daniel Bryan is one of my favorite wrestlers. As a talent, as an entertainer, the way our fans love and revere him. There’s never been a match he and I have been in where it was bad. He is one that I would definitely like to consider. He’s been gone a long time dealing with injuries and I know how that feels and I know that somebody like Daniel with his credentials would be really cool.”
Mick Foley On Cesaro Booking
Speaking of booking Mick Foley spoke out about the way WWE are handling Cesaro in a new Facebook blog:
TWO WORDS: PUSH CESAROLast night, I was asked a simple question during the Q&A part of my show in Philadelphia: "if…
Posted by Mick Foley on Friday, September 25, 2015
Stardust Still Teasing New Attire
Although it was expected that Stardust would be debuting new attire at Night of Champions, he’s still teasing designs on Twitter:
the tailor wont sleep
even when I'm 0n retreat
…oh & this
— Stardust (@StardustWWE) September 26, 2015