Lance Storm Shoots On Divas Revolution, New SmackDown Announcer, Hair Dye In 2K16

Lance Storm Divas

Lance Storm Says WWE Failing NXT Divas

In a new post on his website Lance Storm discussed the “Diva’s Revolution” and how WWE are setting it up to fail:

Let me first state that I am a big fan and supporter of women’s wrestling and have a great deal of respect for many of the women involved in the “Divas revolution”. For the most part I think the Divas Revolution is being screwed and unless they change the way it is being presented it will fail, or at least not succeed to the level it could or more importantly should.

In NXT they are women wrestlers, they are competing for the NXT Women’s Championship; a title belt that looks credible (actually better than the Men’s Title in my opinion) and therefore can be respected. We were never told that the women were going to be taken seriously or that they were going to have good matches and be respected. They were just presented on the show in a respectable light, allowed to focus on competing to be a champion, and given enough time to do a good job if they were able. The women worked hard, had good matches, were given good angles, and fans started to care, and they got over. It was in a sense Organic.

When the crowd on RAW in Brooklyn turned on the women’s match it wasn’t the fault of the crowd nor the fault of the women, it was the way it was presented. In the promo to set up the match Nikki Bella actually said that wins and losses didn’t matter and that these muti-diva matches are pointless. She said the only thing that mattered was the Diva’s Title and how she will soon be the longest reigning Diva’s Champ of all time. How can anyone be surprised or angry that the crowd gave up on the match that followed when they were flat out told before it started that it didn’t matter?

Rich Brennan Called Up

NXT’s Rich Brennan has been called up form NXT to join the SmackDown announce team. He made his way through the ranks starting at Booker T’s independent promotion. He is also a former sports anchor for KGBT-TV in Harlingen, Texas.

New Create A Wrestler Feature

WWE 2K16 will introduce a new hair dye feature to the Create A Wrestler mode:


