Former Stars Returning Update, Jericho’s Contract, Rock and Taz Exchange

Two More Possible Returns

According to the Wrestling Observer two other names being considered to pad out the split rosters are Jimmy Yang and Curt Hawkins. Could he reunite with Zack Ryder?

Jericho Sticking With WWE

Chris Jericho confirmed with the International Business Times that he’s staying with WWE until at least 2017 when Fozzy are planning a new album:

“Until then, I’m having so much fun in the WWE. I plan to continue for the next who knows how long it is. I’d never say, but suffice it to say it’s going to be for a little while longer for sure.”

Rock Stole Taz’s Idea?

ECW Original Taz called out The Rock on Twitter for seemingly stealing his fan promo contest idea that he’d been doing on his radio show. The Rock asked fans to cut promos to help promote his new Youtube channel.


