Emma Was Nearly Paralyzed, Big Cass Wants Universal Title, Del Rio and Paige Promote Restaurant

Emmalina WWE

Emma Discusses Injury

Emma (or the soon to be Emmalina) discussed her injury on Instagram today, claiming she could have been paralyzed:

Six months ago today I couldn’t bend over to put my shoes on. I couldn’t lift my arms up to get dressed. I couldn’t hold my hand up to do my makeup. I couldn’t sit stand or walk without pain. I knew it was bad when I realized all these things weren’t going away and when the left side of my spine and neck started to constantly spasm.

It was even more scary finding out I needed surgery on my spine right away because the spasms and the weakness in my left arm were from nerve damage from the herniated disc pressing on my spinal cord. But in that instant all I could think was that I was lucky I wasn’t paralyzed!

Six months ago I had surgery and you can see the removed disc above. Today I stand here happy to say I’m fit and healthy. It was a crazy ride but I stayed positive, focused and determined to be better than before. After all, I didn’t move my life across the world and leave everything behind for nothing. I fully believe that everything happens for a reason and maybe I needed to fall back for a while away from the crowd so that I can come back and take that spotlight… And believe me I will!

Big Cass On The Future

Big Cass said his ultimate goal is the main event, in an interview this week with FOX Sports:

“I want to be Universal Champion. I want to be a top guy in this company. That’s my goal and it’s always been my goal — to be a go-to guy. And I think I can be somebody this company can rely on for many, many years.”

Cass however admitted that he and Enzo’s quick rise has been overwhelming at times:

“At times it can be overwhelming. It’s crazy to think that five years ago I was performing in Tampa, Florida, in front of 10 people every week. Ten. Process that. And then we came to NXT and started performing in front of more people, then thousands of people, and then 16,000 people at the Barclays Center. So I personally, as a wrestler, got to see the rise of NXT, and me and Enzo feel like we were a very big part of that rise,” Morrissey continued. “All those people knew Enzo and I already (when we debuted on Raw), and they knew all of our catchphrases, so right off the bat we started hot, and the rise just keeps going. It’s crazy to think how quickly things can happen.”

Alberto Del Rio Opens Restaurant

Alberto Del Rio has opened the first La Cantinita Mexican restaurant in the US. Here’s a clip of he and Paige promoting the new venture to the local media:


