Dewey Foley Downplays Creative Job, Cena As A Drug Dealer, Austin Worried For Balor

Foley Family

Dewey Foley Confirms WWE Creative Job

Although he seemed to confirm rumors that he has landed a job with WWE creative, Dewey Foley told his followers to worry about the Bernadino shooting victims instead of him:

Speaking of the Foleys, Mick was Steve Austin’s latest wrestling guest on his podcast:

John Cena Movie Clip

Here is more footage of John Cena playing a drug dealer in Tina Fey and Amy Poehler’s upcoming comedy, Sisters:

Finn Bálor Could Get Lost In The Shuffle?

Steve Austin put over NXT star Finn Bálor in a recent appearance on Taz’s podcast, but expressed concern that he’d get lost in the shuffle on the main roster:

I’m wondering if he’s going to get lost in the shuffle a little bit [on the main roster]. He does that crawl to the ring and sometimes it takes so long. It’s a little disconcerting because I’ve seen the kid. Good looking kid, worked for many years in Japan, and he’s very technical from Ireland or wherever he’s from. Great kid! Great kid! Hell of a worker. Ten times the worker I ever was, but he [has] got to connect with those people. And so hopefully that gimmick allows him to do that. And it’s a great look. You can make a lot of action figures off of it, but put all the pieces together. People [have] got to care about him to become emotionally invested in him, but a great human being and a hellacious worker.

Austin was however critical about the logic behind Balor’s entrance:

Sometimes, I worry, Taz, about those long entrances. I mean, how long can you crawl? And then put yourself in the boots of your opponent, here comes this kid and he’s low to the ground. If ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin was still in the ring, [waiting] there [in the ring for] 15 years, dude, I’d have to go stomp a mud hole in him and walk it dry when I’d have the opportunity because that’s what ‘Stone Cold’ would do.


