Chyna Overdosed? Announcer Released, Jannetty’s Crazy WrestleMania Weekend

Chyna overdose

Chyna Died of Accidental Overdose?

Chyna’s manager has publicly stated that he believes she died of an accidental overdose of her prescription medication. At the time of her death she was taking sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medication above the prescribed dosages. “She was inappropriately taking her legally prescribed medication over the course of two to three weeks,” manager Anthony Anzaldo told the NY Daily News. “On Sunday night, her body had enough. … Her normal amount was one thing, but over the course of time she was increasing, and not properly.”

Valium, Xanax and Ambien were found in her home. We won’t know for sure what she was taking until the toxicology results are back, which can take up to 8 months.

WWE Release Rich Brennan

WWE have released interviewer Rich Brennan.

Marty Jannetty’s Antics At WrestleMania

Although it won’t be a shock to anyone, Marty Jannetty was said to be partying hard during WrestleMania weekend and was kicked out of several establishments at various points. He also had a young girlfriend along with him, who was intoxicated and pleading with people to put her in submission holds.

One photo that emerged this week shows Jannetty in the fountain of a hotel lobby.

Marty Jannetty Wrestlemania


