Christian Update, Naomi Shoots On Creative, Buff Bagwell Trailer, Rene Dupree On Breast Cancer

Christian Retired?

It seems Christian’s in-ring WWE career is indeed over as the company have moved him to the alumni section of their website. WWE made the decision to pull him from action because of too many concussions. In some ways he is in a similar position to Daniel Bryan, though perhaps more serious.

His reign ended on Raw 1,000, and Christian was out of action for nearly a year with a shoulder injury. He returned in June 2013, once again poised to win the World Heavyweight Championship. Although he never regain the title, he solidified his legacy and left active competition still at the top of his game.

It’s not clear whether he considers himself retired. He could technically wrestle elsewhere when his deal expires.

Naomi Not Happy With Booking

Team Bad member Naomi is not happy with the way she has been booked through the Diva’s Revolution. She let out her frustration on Twitter last night during RAW by re-Tweeting what her fans had posted. It should be noted that she is known as one of the nicest and most down to earth Divas on the roster, so if she’s pissed she’s REALLY pissed. Here’s a screenshot of two of the re-Tweets:

Naomi creative

Buff Bagwell Documentary Trailer

A trailer / intro video has been released for Buff Bagwell’s upcoming independent documentary. None other than Nigel McGuinness hosts the film:

“The Good, The Bad, and The Buff: The Marc Bagwell Journey” will premiere in Atlanta at Center Stage on Thursday.

Rene Dupree Doesn’t Buy WWE’s Breast Cancer Awareness

Former WWE star Rene Dupree says he doesn’t buy WWE’s Breast Cancer awareness campaign, because of a personal situation he experienced when working there. He told the Two Man Power Trip podcast:

In 2004 my mother got diagnosed with breast cancer and it was during the run with me and Cena. I went to Johnny Ace because he always said ‘well I’m your boss Rene and if you’ve got problems you’ve got to come to me.’ So I went to him and said what was going on with me and is it possible for me to fly home once a month or once every couple of months just to be with her and he said they could look into it. Well asking for time off is like the kiss of death, especially during the biggest push of your career. I don’t know if you guys realize this but cancer doesn’t go away in a weekend, it’s a process. So, I never heard from him again and basically they don’t give a sh*t about what is going on in the wrestlers personal lives. You are there to work and make them money and that’s all they care about. It makes them look good because they are a publicly traded company and if it makes them look good well whatever then. Good luck to them is all I have to say.

I should have went to Vince or Stephanie but then again Johnny tells you that ‘I’m your boss and you’ve got problems then you have to come to me because I’m talent relations’ then that is what you do. You go to your boss. Sometimes Vince has a lot on his plate so looking back if I could and this goes out to the talent out there if you have issues go to the f*cking horse’s head not the horse’s ass.


