Batista Gets Married, Ronda Rousey Missing Wrestlemania, Hideo Itami Update

Batista wedding

Wrestling Stars Turn Out For Batista’s Wedding

Former WWE star Batista got married over the weekend to his long term partner Sarah. Lots of wrestling stars attended the wedding in Florida including Titus O’Neil, Chris Jericho, MVP, Dave Finlay, Jimmy Noonan (former WWE security chief) and William Regal. Despite the turnout a lot of his friends couldn’t make it due to the WWE schedule.

Ronda Rousey Filming Movie During Wrestlemania

WWE’s plan of The Rock and Ronda Rousey vs Triple H and Stephanie (or other variations) will not be going ahead at Wrestlemania as the UFC champ is filming the movie Mile 22 in Indonesia. She told ESPN Sports Center that she will however be back in WWE at some point.

Hideo Itami Back By 2016

Hideo Itami is expected to return to NXT either late this year or early 2016. He is currently rehabbing a shoulder injury.


