Austin vs Piper Update, Samoa Joe With Batista, WWE Signs Adam Pearce

Steve Austin Denies Piper Story … Sort Of
On his latest podcast Steve Austin denied Roddy Piper’s story that he got him thrown off the Podcast One network, but did admit he got Piper’s episode take down. He said it “had some business of a personal nature that I didn’t care to have floating around there being downloaded in cyberspace, so I had it removed from rotation.”
It was then Piper who essentially chose to leave after the episode was taken down.
The episode in question had comedian Will Sasso impersonating Austin, discussing how he “no showed” Wrestlemania. Jim Duggan also called in and was tricked in to thinking it was really Austin.
Samoa Joe Trains With Batista
Samoa Joe and Batista have been training with actor Josh Rafferty in California recently:
Another sick training session with these two monsters @DaveBautista @SamoaJoe #hardworkpaysoff #OSS
— Josh Raff (@joshrafferty) July 7, 2015
WWE Finally Sign Adam Pearce
WWE have finally signed Adam Pearce as a coach for the Performance Center, after several guest spots:
Very cool to have @ScrapDaddyAP with us full time at the @WWEPerformCtr…Welcome aboard Coach! @WWENXT
— Drake Wuertz (@WWEDrakeWuertz) July 7, 2015