Crews To RAW, WWE Files Piracy Lawsuit, 2016’s Highest WWE Earners, House of Horrors Update

Apollo Crews RAW

First Shakeup Draft

Ahead of tonight’s RAW WWE have already announced that Apollo Crews will be drafted to the red brand in the ‘Superstar Shakeup.’

WWE Suing Torrent Users

According to the World Intellectual Property Review, WWE have filed a lawsuit against a group of people they claim used the BitTorrent file sharing platform to illegally download WWE Studios movie Eliminators – starring Wade Barrett.

WWE’s legal team used software to log the IP addresses of users carrying out the copyright infringement and are asking for damages of $150,000 per person.

Brock Lesnar Is Highest Paid Superstar

Forbes released their top 10 highest paid WWE superstars list for 2016 today. Brock Lesnar came out on top, making $12 million. Here’s the full rankings, which were determined by contracted pay and merchandise sales:

10: Randy Orton – $1.9 million
9: Seth Rollins – $2 million
8: The Undertaker – $2 million
7: Shane McMahon – $2.2 million
6: AJ Styles – $2.4 million
5: Dean Ambrose – $2.7 million
4: Roman Reigns – $3.5 million
3: Triple H – $ 3.8 million
2: John Cena – $8 million
1: Brock Lesnar – $12 million

Possible House of Horrors Theme

Judging from a survey sent out this week, WWE doesn’t actually know how the Randy Orton vs Bray Wyatt ‘House of Horrors’ match will play out. It asks fans what features and weapons should be included in the bout. Here are the choices:

– Cage
– Sheeple
– A match set outside the arena
– Darkness
– Mirrors
– Creepy/Scary
– Fire
– Projected images
– Music
– Pitchforks
– Fog
– Other
– Nothing different

– Chainsaws
– Bugs
– Masks
– Snakes
– Costumes
– Axes
– Would prefer no weapons or objects
– Tables
– Chains
– Chairs
– Fire
– Kendo Sticks
– Other


