Don West Joining GFW? Jarrett Not Wrestling On Shows

Former TNA Announcer Joining GFW?
The official GFW Instagram account has posted an image of Don West, hinting that he may be joining the company. The former Shop at Home Network pitchman was with TNA from the beginning until 2012, and was known for his ability to build excitement during the show.
If all goes to plan he would be sitting alongside MMA star Chael Sonnen in the announce booth. However the promotion obviously needs a TV deal first. West has most recently been the director of sales and marketing for the Wenatchee Wild ice hockey team.
[I was actually a big fan of Don West. While he wasn’t necessarily a professor of the industry like Mike Tenay, he had the over the top reactions that keep you excited and that channel surfers can’t help but stop and listen to. If it’s sports “entertainment” they’re going for then he definitely fits the bill. Of course Jarrett has had a habit of photographing everyone he comes across, so this doesn’t necessarily mean anything.]
Jarrett Not Going To Steal The Spotlight
Jeff Jarrett recently told Rolling Stone that he would not be stealing the spotlight away from his roster at GFW:
I’m certainly not going to wrestle for the foreseeable future. I’m not going to say that I’m retired, but 99.9 percent of my time is going to be dedicated to promoting the brand and promoting the athletes of Global Force Wrestling. I will say, though, that we want to truly focus on who these athletes are. The Bullet Club is legitimately the hottest faction in all of wrestling, and we’ll talk about how they’ve come up through New Japan and continued to grow in popularity. Karl Anderson has a great story behind him, so does Doc Gallows, he’s traveled the world. Chris Mordetzky [formerly Chris Masters] is one of the youngest guys ever signed by the WWE. Quite frankly, he’ll probably admit it; he wasn’t ready for it at the time. Now he’s spent three or four years overseas, and he’s ready to step into a Global Force ring and compete. PJ Black [Justin Gabriel], Lei’D Tapa, some wrestlers that maybe people haven’t heard of. Guys like Andrew Everett and Chuck Taylor, I could go on and on. All these guys are chomping at the bit to get on this bigger stage.
He also confirmed that he has at least been in talks with TV networks:
I will release that information when it’s time to release it. We’re in talks domestically and internationally. The international rights come into play just as much here.Success is defined by whether you’re profitable or not. In the short-term though, we want to make strides to make brand awareness. We want to put up compelling content with compelling wrestlers, and that will be a barometer of success. We just want to be a positive influence within the wrestling industry.