WWE Edits Heyman Promo, Matt Hardy ‘Deleted’ Scott Dawson, New Table For 3

Paul Heyman Jew

WWE Edits Out Jew Comment

Max Landis has pointed out on Twitter how WWE recently edited a Paul Heyman promo to remove the phrase “as a jew” in the YouTube version.

Heyman lightheartedly responded in a Tweet of his own:

Clips From New Table For 3

WWE have shared several clips from the new Table For 3 with Scott Hall, DDP, and Sean Waltman:

Matt Hardy Tweets About Dawson’s Injury

Matt Hardy joked on Twitter that he ‘deleted’ Scott Dawson, referring to his bicep injury that was announced yesterday:

The Hardys were not on last night’s RAW in Toronto because they were originally supposed to be building a feud with The Revival, which is obviously postponed due to the injury.




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