Stephanie On Undercover Boss, Aleister Black On Being NXT Champ, What Inspired Final Deletion?

Stephanie McMahon Undercover Boss

Look: Stephanie McMahon appears on Undercover Boss

Stephanie McMahon recently appeared on CBS’ Undercover Boss. The show puts bosses in disguise to interact with the workforce or in Stephanie’s case, to scout future WWE talent as “Samantha Miles”.

“McMahon’s journey starts in search of possible new talent for the WWE roster and ends up making dreams come true for a charity-minded young WWE fan.”

Do you think you would recognize Stephanie?

North American viewers can now stream the episode online.

Aleister Black on NXT pressures

NXT Champion Aleister Black spoke with Iain Chambers during Download Festival and discussed the pressure of being champ.

“It’s definitely a lot of pressure because the people who have held this belt, you look at Shinsuke Nakamura, Bobby Roode, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe and even traveling back to Seth Rollins and Big E, the heritage that this belt has is endless. And it’s heavy, so I have a big responsibility to do right by this belt and do right by NXT.”

Black also discussed his finisher the Black Mass:

“It just comes from my background in martial arts. Back in 2005/2006, I started going back to kickboxing and I just felt I needed something in my style that wasn’t seen very much. … I’ve never seen a spinning heel kick that went to someone’s face, yeah I’ve seen it where they would hit the calf on the chest or like towards the face, but I’ve never seen someone with their heel – on the tip of their toes – connecting with someone.”

You can watch the full interview below:

Speaking of Aleister Black, his opponent for tonight’s Takeover: Chicago II had the following to say on Twitter:

The Hardys discuss the inspiration for Final Deletion




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