Rock Side-swipes Truck, Punk In Music Video, Woods Starts Gaming Channel

The Rock

The Rock Hits Another Vehicle

The Rock told an interesting story on social media about how he accidentally side-swiped another truck. Upon offering to pay for the damages the victim let him off because he was a fan:

Here's a fun story to start your week off… I'm driving to set in my pick up truck – music blasting – I'm singing away like I'm having a one man party in my truck – then I hear a loud BANG. What the hell..? Look in my rear view and see I sideswiped another pick up that was parked in the street and destroyed the side mirror. First thing I thought was, "Aw shit.. someone's not gonna be happy..". I flipped a U-turn and drove back to scene. Just as I got out of my truck a guy was walking across the street to his truck. I said "Sir, is this your truck?". He stopped and stared at me for a good 5 seconds, looked around his neighborhood, looked back at me and "Yes it is. Why?". I said "Well, sorry to tell ya I sideswiped it and knocked the hell outta your mirror and may have done even more damage. You give me your info and I'll leave you mine and I'll take care of everything". He stared at me again, cocked his head sideways and said.."Uhhh.. Are you The Rock?". I said "Yup". He broke out into a huge smile and said "Wow, this is gonna be an awesome story!". I started belly laughing at that, then he started laughing and before you know it we're both standing in the middle of the street pointing to his mirror and laughing like two ol' crazy buddies. I checked back in with him a few days later and he refused to accept any money and said he fixed the damage himself. Want to thank Mr. Audie Bridges of Wakefield, Mass. for being so cool about the whole thing. Life is funny cause you never know who you're gonna run into… and sure as hell never know who's truck you're gonna sideswipe while driving to work.

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CM Punk In Music Video

Former WWE star CM Punk is featured in the music video for Frank Turner’s “The Next Storm.” Check it out:

Speaking of Punk, he told Anik and Florian that WWE is completely off his radar but he still feels good that fans are chanting his name. He also said that he loved Dsuty Rhodes and the two kept in contact after he left WWE.

Xavier Woods Launches Gaming Channel

The New Day’s Xavier Woods has launched a gaming channel on Youtube called UpUpDownDown:




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