KO Calls Out Lesnar, Concussion Lawsuits Dismissed, Bayley Talks Main Roster

Kevin Owens Would Make Lesnar His B**ch
In a recent Facebook Q&A, WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens was asked whether he would survive a trip to “suplex city.”
“The biggest, most interesting part about this thing with me versus Brock, is that people don’t think I’d have a chance, and I love proving people wrong,” Owens said. “So not only would I survive Suplex City, I think I’d take him to Suplex City. [Lesnar] goes around calling people his b—h, I think I’d make him my b—h!”
Big Daddy V and Doink Lawsuits Dismissed
Concussion lawsuits filed by the wife of the late Nelson “Big Daddy V” Frazier Jr and family of Matt “Doink the Clown” Osbourne were dismissed by Judge Vanessa L. Bryant in the United States District Court of Connecticut on November 10th.
In the case of Big Daddy V, there was no autopsy or medical testing to confirm whether he even had CTE at the time of his death from a heart attack.
Doink’s case was dismissed on a technicality because the person who filed the suit didn’t have the legal right, as she was neither the executor or administrator of Osbourne’s estate.
Bayley Interview Highlights
Bayley spoke with Card Subject To Change while over in the UK, discussing her promotion to the main roster.
“It’s tough but it’s all worth it. It’s been a long road for me coming from NXT. I was in NXT for almost 4 years, and just getting to the WWE and now being able to travel with them and kind of have to make new friends, get hotel rooms, travel to different cities every single night. It’s very different and so much fun. All the hard work in NXT that prepared me for this has been worth so valuable.”
She expressed frustration at the amount of time it took to get called up, but still feels lucky to be there. “I think I was very lucky to just be there. Even when Sasha, Charlotte and Becky were call to WWE I spent another year there, but I think looking back now that’s the year where I learnt the most.”
On Sasha and Charlotte’s Hell in a Cell match – “They exceeded all my expectations. I knew it was going to be amazing and scary and dangerous. They were going to do whatever it took to steal the show but I just didn’t expect to see the things that I saw.”
Listen to the full episode below: