How Jimmy Snuka Was Arrested For Murder, Vince McMahon Implicated?

Jimmy Snuka who was arrested this week for the involuntary murder of a girlfriend over 30 years ago, went to the court for arraignment of his own accord and was arrested while he was there according to Bill Apter. He then immediately posted bail and is back home with his wife, awaiting the next step.
The WWE Hall of Famer admitted to “fooling around” with his then girlfriend Nancy Argentino, on the way to an event in 1983, which resulted in her “slipping” and hitting her head on the side of the road. Snuka claims that they then went on to the hotel, which is where she was later found dead, with multiple injuries consistent with blunt force trauma. The case was never closed and Snuka was never charged due to a lack of evidence.
Rumors have been rife since the day, that the incident actually took place in the hotel room during a violent argument. Snuka also told conflicting accounts of his roadside story to friends and colleagues, the first that he actually “shoved” her during an altercation, and the second that there was no shoving but they were arguing and she slipped.
These conflicting accounts prompted the police to take a second look at the case in the past year. The fact that he told a different story in his autobiography than what he told police at the time suggests he was lying according to investigators.
One interesting aside is how Vince McMahon might factor in to the case. At the time he acted as Snuka’s lay legal adviser. “All I remember is [McMahon] had a briefcase with him,” Snuka wrote in his autobiography, when they met with police officers, District Attorney William Platt and the medical examiner, during the initial investigation.
After this meeting police stopped investigating the case.
Although there’s absolutely no evidence to support this, the rumor has always been that Vince struck a deal and made it all go away. At the time Superfly was one of McMahon’s mega stars, so it was certainly in his best interest.
Today WWE issued the following statement, expressing sympathy for the Argentino:
“WWE expresses its continued sympathy to the Argentino family for their loss. Ultimately this legal matter will be decided by our judicial system.”