Jeff Hardy Wants Back In WWE, Rapper Rhymes About Sasha Banks, Does Mysterio Watch WWE?

Jeff Hardy WWE

Jeff Hardy Wants To End Career In WWE

In a recent appearance on Ric Flair’s WOOOOO! Nation Jeff Hardy said he’d love to end his career in WWE:

I’m not sure when, but I think both Matt and myself would love to end our careers in the WWE and it’d be super, double great to be able to have a few more good ones with the Dudley Boyz, for sure. As far as us returning [to WWE] and having some more matches with them, it all depends on how long they’re going to be there and how long it takes us to get there. I mean, but, definitely, it’s a possibility. I’m just not sure when right now.

I’ve done most of everything I’ve wanted to do, but I guess there [are] two big things. I mean, and those two big things are I never got to do a Hell In [A] Cell in the WWE. That’s a pretty big one. And I’ve never main evented WrestleMania, so, ultimately, if it could all work out one day, before it’s all over, I’d like to do those two things.

Hardy also discussed his current injury situation:

I’m going to try to wrestle with this brace on in January. I say I’m going to see what it feels like, but I’m kind of scared, honestly, to see what it [feels like] because I don’t want to hurt it worse.” Hardy continued, “but I’m going to give it a shot. I think I’m going to try a few easy matches and just see how it feels. I’m just going to avoid landing on my knees and maybe not doing as many moves I normally do and just see how it goes. But ultimately, I’m going to end up having the surgery sometime early next year and, sadly, I’ll probably be missing most of 2016.

Wale Releases Sasha Banks Song

Rapper and wrestling fan Wale has uploaded a freestyle this week honouring Sasha Banks:

Why Mysterio Watches WWE

Rey Mysterio told the PodNasty Wrestling Podcast that he only watches WWE to keep up to date with buddies Alberto Del Rio and Sin Cara:

I’m good friends with Alberto so I keep him on point. Lucha Dragons, I’m great friends with the Sin Cara that’s there right now. I can’t watch a whole show, not even when I was there. Actually, when I was there I would hardly watch the shows. I would DVR them, but it was just hard for me to sit down and watch wrestling, not because it was a bad show or a good show, it was just because when I got home I didn’t want to have nothing to do with wrestling. I just wanted to be around my kids and my wife.


