James Storm Makes NXT Debut, Owens Jokes With Paige, Henry Wants Backstage Role

James Storm NXT debut

James Storm Wins Debut Match

Former TNA star James Storm made his NXT debut at last night’s TV tapings. He used the James Storm name and face cowboy gimmick, and defeated Danny Burch in a squash. It’s rumored that as well as an on air talent he has some kind of backstage trainer/agent role as well.You’ll be able to see Storm’s debut on the October 21st episode of NXT.

BREAKING: James Storm makes his @wwenxt debut tonight at Full Sail University!

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Kevin Owens Wants Paige Fired?

Kevin Owens was joking around with Paige at a recent signing, and an image has popped up of him asking Vince to fire her. This might also be in response to rumors that Paige is “in the doghouse” for swearing during a live Facebook stream.

Speaking of Paige she recently took British Airways to task for refusing to help Rosa Mendes with her bag:

Mark Henry Retirement Update

In a recent interview with Philly.com Mark Hnery discussed retirement and the desire to help out backstage:

“I don’t know how I let Vince [McMahon] convince me into signing another contract back in 2013,” Henry admitted. “He did a bit of magic. He’s got that magic where you just go in the office and he’ll talk you into it. I won’t be signing any more contracts. I’m an elder statesman. This is a young guy business and I’m 100 percent for it. I love the marketing process. I love the international marketing. I love the talent development, but those are all things I’ll work with the company on to make sure that our business continues to thrive, but there’s a bunch of other stuff that I plan on doing.”




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