James Ellsworth Speaks, Undertaker Snubbed By Basketball Star, Ryback Talks Addiction

James Ellsworth

James Ellsworth Living His Dream

SmackDown LIVE’s newest loveable loser James Ellsworth was the latest guest on the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling, and discussed his meteoric rise to one of the most featured stars on the show.

“I have to stop and pinch myself and make sure it is real because this is literally my dream come true right before my eyes,” says the Axl Rotten trained 31 year old.

“If anybody out there has a dream go after it because I am living proof that it can happen. I don’t look like the typical WWE guy at all, I am not the blueprint for what they look for but I just kept wrestling and kept fighting and kept scratching and crawling and did I think any of this would ever happen? No. But did I give up on it? No and this would have never happened if I just said I am not going to make it there and I’m going to quit trying and you can’t quit trying.”

Being the number one contender for the WWE Championship:

“Yeah, I had a WWE title match on live TV in the main event. I just never thought any of this would have ever happened and that promo that I did when I said one day I am going to tell my grand-kids I wrestled for the WWE title, that’s real. One day I will be able to tell my grand-kids that I wrestled for the WWE title and what an amazing accomplishment and it is because of the fans and I’ll say it a million times because I am well aware of that.”

Being 2-0 against AJ Styles:

“It is amazing and it kind of scares me in a way because AJ is so popular and it’s well deserved. In my humble opinion he is the best wrestler in the world right now and people know it. Of course they are excuse me hiccup victories but still to the fans, they love him and that is their favorite guy. I think social media’s favorite guy is AJ Styles with all of the smart fans and it is kind of scary and I hope they don’t wind up hating me because of that because I have victories over AJ Styles. It is all just going along with what we are doing on TV with him and Dean Ambrose and I am just happy to be a part of it and it is amazing that I get to be a huge part in their angle and I’m just enjoying it.”

Will he be getting a future title shot:

“Well that is the cool thing about it and to be honest with you I don’t know what’s going on with me either and I like it that way. To watch TV every week (RAW or Smackdown) and not know what they are going to do and you guess and it is still the same way for me. I am guessing what they are going to do and thinking to myself maybe we will do this or maybe do that but I don’t know until TV day like you guys. Yeah, I’ll know before because I am a part of it but I don’t know until the day of just like any fan and that is fun for me. If I knew what was going on the next two or three weeks’ worth of TV obviously that would be great but I kind of like not knowing and showing up for work and hearing that this is what you are doing tonight.”

Why LeBron Snubbed The Undertaker

The Undertaker who is appearing on next week’s big SmackDown 900th episode, was recently snubbed by LeBron James at the Cleveland Cavaliers Championship ring ceremony.

Taker was in full WWE gear along with wife Michelle McCool, Dana Warrior and daughters. According to Joe Vardon of Cleveland.com WWE believed some kind of photo op was set, but LeBron had already worn an Undertaker t-shirt during practice day prior to Game 5. “He wore an Undertaker T-shirt. For him, that’s enough,” he explained.

Vardon added that James doesn’t like someone purposefully trying to make money or gain fame through him.

Ryback’s Past Addiction

Former WWE star Ryback opened up abput his past drug addictions on his latest podcast.

He revealed that during his developmental days at Deep South he and many others used liquid GHB daily, a depressant that has similar effects to alcohol and is often stigmatised as a date rape drug due to its ability to knock the user out in small doses. At a time it was also believed to promote muscle growth.

“A good portion of the guys had their water bottles full of this stuff. And it wasn’t the environment of today, but we would train five days a week and just kill ourselves and go through all of that. And on the weekends and shows, and just, yeah, decompress, have fun, do whatever the f–k we want, drink, and do this GHB, which, eventually, I would do it every day. It became a very regular part of my life, where, for me, it was kind of the first thing I really, truly got addicted to down there. And the training was hard and whatnot and I could sit there and say, oh, I can make up any excuse I want that I did it because of that, but I got addicted to it.”

“I would do it after practice and everyone, and this was, again, across the board, a lot of people [would do that] and I would take a nap after practice, get up, eat, take another cap because if you do just a little, it would give you energy. Such a weird drug. And then, I would go work out for three hours. Yeah, and then, get home and do a bunch and eventually pass out and sleep.”

“The GHB would make me sleepwalk where I would take it at night, like, you’re in such a deep sleep, but I would have to piss or something. And having sleep apnea, it’s such a dangerous combination at the time, but I would wake up in my sleep and go to the bathroom. There were nights where I would wake up in the morning and I’d pissed on the shower curtain. I remember some mornings, my shower curtain would be ripped off the wall and the bathroom would be a mess.”




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