Ellsworth Hacked, Goldberg On TMZ, Kane Shoots On Protesters, Ibushi Rejects Deal

James Ellsworth hacked

James Ellsworth Hacked

The Twitter account of James Ellsworth was hacked yesterday and the hacker left the message “get cancer you no chin prick.”

Goldberg Dares Lesnar To Elbow

TMZ recently caught up with Goldberg and asked him about Lesnar possibly doing what he did to Randy Orton at Summerslam with the stiff elbows and punches.

“I don’t care what he did to Randy Orton …I’ve been throwing elbows for the past 12 years at my muay thai gym. I hope he throws elbows at me. I’m completely serious.”

Nobody Cares About Protesters?

WWE’s Kane (an active Libertarian) appeared on Fox Business this week with Dolph Ziggler, and urged anti-Trump protesters to go home and talk to their neighbour because nobody cares and they aren’t accomplishing anything on the streets.

Kota Ibushi Turns Down WWE

Cruiserweight Classic participant Kota Ibushi tells proresu-today.com that he turned down a 5 year WWE contract and subsequent offers, because he doesn’t want to be exclusive to anyone.




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