Great Khali’s Status, Bischoff Wants More Surprises, Big Cass Wants Reigns

Khali Jinder Mahal

Great Khali Not Back Full Time

The Great Khali, who returned to WWE at Battleground, is not back with the company full-time and his status is not immediately clear.

The former World Heavyweight Champion is not advertised for any upcoming house shows or SmackDown Live episodes, suggesting his role is still being finalized. It may be that he only makes a few brief appearances in support of Jinder Mahal, which will likely include promotional work in India where the company are working to get fans behind Mahal.

Khali helped the former 3MB member retain the WWE Championship against Randy Orton in the Punjabi Prison match on Sunday. He received a good response from the Philadelphia crowd and his position as the most famous Indian WWE superstar makes him a logical pick to help get Mahal over.

How Bischoff Would Change WWE

Overly-polished and formulaic is how former WCW honcho Eric Bischoff views the current WWE presentation. Speaking on his latest Bischoff On Wrestling podcast, the ex-RAW General Manager said he would personally like to see more grit and surprises on the weekly shows.

The only thing for me and this is just preference, it’s just taste, I would endeavor to produce my shows in a way, particularly Monday Night RAW, in a way that just had a little bit more grit. It was a little less polished. I would work pretty hard, pretty consistently, to try to create the impression and try to build the anticipation with the audience that anything could happen.

It doesn’t mean that anything can happen on every episode because you can’t sustain that. If you create that feeling, subliminal as it may be sometimes, that you can’t afford to miss an episode because there is a chance something crazy could happen and you don’t want to miss out on that. If you can establish that consistently with the audience and then deliver on it as often as possible that’s when you create that kind of water cooler type buzz that people used to have. Now it’s social media chatter after the show. Buzz is buzz wherever it is. That’s how you create it. That’s how you create must see TV is by creating that relationship with the audience where they believe your product could have something actually occur that they never would have anticipated.

Right now to me, because of my taste, the WWE is such a polished and perfect production that I lose that sense that anything can happen because they won’t let it. If they do create it it’s so perfectly and flawlessly executed that it doesn’t feel like something that wasn’t supposed to happen.

Big Cass Wants The Big Dog

Now he no longer has Enzo Amore “holding him down” Big Cass has his sights set on another ‘big’ Superstar – the ‘Big Dog’ Roman Reigns.

In an interview with the Sport Bible, Cass points to Roman’s own trajectory as a single’s star to the main event of WrestleMania and wants some of that limelight himself:

Roman Reigns has main evented three Wrestlemanias in a row and I’d really like to main event Wrestlemania with Roman Reigns. That’s the match I really want right now. Love him, hate him whatever you think of him it doesn’t matter, he’s main evented three straight Wrestlemanias and that’s almost unprecedented. I think The Rock is the only other guy to have been able to do that- three in a row. So right now, currently, [my dream match] is to main event Wrestlemania with Roman Reigns.




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