Former WWE Star Rosey Passes Away – Brother of Roman Reigns

Rosey passes away

Matthew Anoaʻi, known as former WWE Superstar Rosey, sadly passed away on Monday.

The older brother of Roman Reigns is believed to have died of congestive heart failure – something he had previously been hospitalized for.

WWE fans will best remember the 47 year old as one half of the 3 Minute Warning tag team alongside Eddie ‘Jamal’ Fatu (later Umaga) and as ‘Superhero In Training’ alongside Hurricane Helms.

Rosey’s ex-wife, Amanda Schall posted the following tribute on her Facebook:

“It’s a great sorrow that our babies Madison and Koa have to say goodbye to the most loving and caring father they were blessed with. I wanted to keep it private for longer but word is spreading.

Matt passed away April 17th unexpectedly, although he was aware that his health was fragile we had high hopes he could get through anything. Yesterday Koa said the “steam roller” was the best game to play w his daddy as he pretended to roll over them as the lay on the ground. This game was made up w my oldest boy Jordan and made the deepest belly laughs out of our babies I’ve ever heard. They would lay flat on the ground and Matt would roll around and over them so gently as he called out “Steammmmmm Roller”. Koa although 8 years old also stated that “God has a time for everyone but was wrong because it wasn’t my dads time to go”. I rethink and rethink of all the times I want to rewind revisit go back and re do. I rethink each moment he stood by as we welcomed our babies into this world. I wish the kids could see what I saw, his eyes grew w love in seconds. And the monster sized tears he cried as he watched them take their first breaths. I see so clearly his giant finger w a tiny hand we created wrapped around it. How immediately he became the proudest father on this earth. I think about painting our first home and decorating each of the 3 rooms for the kids. The spray painted wall he made for Jordan, his talent in art can be noticed in our daughter Madison. His smile can be seen in our son Koa and those huge gentle loving hands of Koas are slowly growing into Matts. Every single day I wake up to a mini Matt we created, this blessing from God that came without planning but was so perfect in timing. This little boy who everyday reminds me of the huge loving big hearted man he will once become. My son has big shoes to fill and last night said “I will be the greatest WWE champion in the world”. W tears flowing down his cheeks and words stuttered I love the idea but also know that same business may not be for my baby boy or girl, college is where he wanted them to go. I reminded him his dads talents were beyond the ring and his wishes are much greater than that

I see his eyes in our daughters, the changing colors from brown to hazel when they cry. These colors I wish I didn’t have to see today and days to come. Her determination to not be stopped and to rise to the top was gifted from God the same way God gifted it to Matt. Our daughter is fierce and strong because of him, “she will be something amazing you just watch” he always said.

I thank all of you for loving him so much over the past years, new friends and old friends. My babies are so thankful he was so loved and treated so great by so many outstanding people. That he felt LOVE from everyone and supported by all. Thank you so much for being there for him in times he needed it most. May God watch over our babies on this new chapter of life without him on earth. Pray for our babies and pray for me to lead them correctly w faith and trust in Gods master plan because right now I am having a hard time understanding it all. — with Matt Anoai.”

WWE also released a statement:

WWE is saddened to learn that Matt Anoa’i, known to fans as Rosey, has passed away at age 47. The son of WWE Hall of Famer Sika and older brother of WWE Superstar Roman Reigns, Rosey grew up in the legendary Anoa’i wrestling dynasty.

He debuted in 2002 alongside his cousin Jamal as part of 3-Minute Warning. The imposing, powerful tandem tore through Raw’s tag team division before going their separate ways. Rosey then formed a beloved superhero duo with The Hurricane, which culminated in his first World Tag Team Championship reign.

The Anoa’i family shared the following statement:

“The Anoa’i family is mourning the loss of Sika’s son, Matt aka Rosey, due to an untimely death.

We want to let his fans know that he loved them and the wrestling world so much. In his passing, he left three beautiful young children and a heartbroken family. Please respect the privacy of his children and family as they mourn the loss of this kind, loving, gentle man, who was a father, son, brother and a superhero to us all.

Our family appreciates your prayers and continued support during this very difficult time.”

WWE extends its condolences to Rosey’s family, friends and fans.




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