Flair Has Successful Surgery, Adam Cole Signs With WWE, Mike Kanellis On Drug Addiction

Ric Flair surgery

Ric Flair ‘Not Out of the Woods’

As mentioned on last night’s RAW, Ric Flair underwent successful surgery for an unknown medical issue yesterday but is ‘not out of the woods.’

It’s now believed that his condition is not heart related and may have something to do with his colon and digestive system.

Former ROH Champ To NXT

Former ROH Champion Adam Cole has signed with WWE after passing their Wellness testing. He is expected to go to NXT before getting any kind of shot on the main RAW or SmackDown rosters.

Cole previously had a tryout in 2013, but was not given a contract.

Mike Kanellis On Overcoming Prescription Drugs

Mike Kanellis revealed on Instagram that he was previously addicted to pain pills, but overcame the issue on the quiet:

This picture was taken this year. It symbolizes my decision to get clean from an addiction to prescription drugs. A problem I kept hidden from my wife, my family, my friends, everyone. It has haunted me for almost 3 years, ever since I dislocated my knee cap. It really started to spiral out of control this past year and a half. I almost lost everything. Finally I decided I couldn't keep hurting my wife or myself this way and I was going to get my life back. This picture was my way of making my beautiful wife laugh, during one of the most difficult times in our life. Without her, I would be lost. She is the strongest, toughest woman I know. She has been my rock and my reason for fighting. She has been with me every step of the way and I'll say it again, I would truly be lost without her. It feels so incredibly wonderful to have my life back and to focus on what truly matters. Life has never been better, and everyday is a blessing. I wanted to write this as a symbol of hope, to anyone who is battling addiction. It can strike anybody, in any place, at any time. It does not discriminate. It can and will take everything from you. If you are struggling, please don't give up hope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, you are not alone. I have your back. #thereisalwayshope

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