Enzo’s Expensive Gear, Paige Isn’t Pregnant, Xavier Woods Reflects On Mania

Enzo Cass WrestleMania

Enzo’s Gear Worth $50,000

Enzo Amore noted on Twitter that his custom WrestleMania ring gear and accessories came to a staggering value of $50,000!

Enzo would have been gifted a lot of this stuff, so he didn’t actually fork out that amount himself.

Paige Pulls April Fools Joke

The ever controversial Paige said she was pregnant in an April Fools prank on Saturday. The WWE superstar who was recently hit with a sex tape scandal blamed the joke on Alberto Del Rio:

Greatest Night of Woods’ Career

One-third of the WrestleMania hosts – Xavier Woods – said Sunday was the greatest night of his career on Instagram:

Tonight was easily the greatest night of my 13 year career. I was able to be a part of an event that made people laugh, get angry, and even cry. Being able to host Wrestlemania while incorporating cosplay from Final Fantasy 14 is something that I never thought possible. But the fact that I was able to do this with two of the most caring, loyal, and humble people that I have ever met in this crazy industry makes it mean so much more. I am proud of the things that we have been able to accomplish and I am fortunate that these two have given me, a nerdy socially awkward kid from the burbs, the privilege of calling them my friends. I would not be where I am today without them and I will forever be grateful for the bond that we have and will have forever. Being able to be with my friends, people that I love, on this day, that was my wrestlemania moment and I shall cherish it always.

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