Dudley Boyz Update, Tough Enough Winners, Young Bucks Doc, Jericho On Hulk Hogan

Dudley Boyz Back Full Time
It’s believed that the Dudley Boyz are back in WWE for a full time run to help get over the younger tag teams on the roster. It’s not clear how long they have signed for but it’s likely at least a year. The Hall of Fame rumors are already surfacing.
Sara and Josh Win Tough Enough
Joshua “Josh” Bredl and Sara Lee have been crowed the winners of Tough Enough season 6 – each earning a $250,000 1 year contract.
Young Bucks Documentary Trailer
HighSpots have released a trailer for their upcoming Young Bucks documentary.
The Young Bucks, Nick and Matt Jackson, are quite possibly the best tag team in the world today. Wrestling fans have seen them in big marquee matches around the world. Now for the first time ever you will get a glimpse into the Young Bucks physical and emotional journey to one of those marquee match ups as the Film Maker, James Franck, follows them to New York to wrestle The Hardy Boys.
This documentary explores how personally important this match is to Nick and Matt because The Hardy Boys were the tag team that inspired them to be who they are today. Also, in this piece you will get to see the less than glamorous side of independent pro wrestling and how deeply committed Nick and Matt are to their craft but more importantly their family.
So, sit back and enjoy this very rare in depth look into The Young Bucks physical and emotional journey to one of the biggest matches of their lives. A journey that was, 2 Sweet!
Jericho Discusses Hogan Racism
Chris Jericho discussed the Hulk Hogan racism saga in an interview with Huff Live:
“[I’m] surprised, absolutely, because Hulk’s not like that,” Jericho said. “But we all say things in stupid times, in stupid ways. I’m sure you have, I’m sure I have. Whether it be those type of comments or any type of comment that’s not correct, that’s not right. But I think it’s one of those deals where, as a friend, you’ve got to stick by your friends in good times and bad times. And I don’t condone it, and I’m surprised, but a friend is a friend.
“I do feel bad for him. I feel bad for everyone involved. I feel bad for people of color or any type of race that are fans of his. You do feel a little bit let down. But I know this: nobody feels more let down than he does. I think he feels really embarrassed and really bad about it.”