Don’t Buy Survivor Series ISIS Threat Rumors

ISIS Survivor Series

No Credible Evidence ISIS Are Targeting WWE

A story emerged today from the International Business Times claiming hacktivist group “Anonymous” had uncovered evidence that terrorist group ISIS are planning to attack Survivor Series in Atlanta on Sunday.

WWE released the following statement:

“WWE Survivor Series is currently scheduled as planned while we investigate the matter with federal, state and local authorities.”

Despite the smart sounding name the IB Times is a renowned “clickbait” site that publishes anything and everything to get Google News hits (I should know as I’ve worked somewhat in that field).

Likewise by their name and nature Anonymous are not exactly the most credible source out there. The internet allows anyone to say anything, posing as who they like, for any reason. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say various parties are exploiting the “threat” of ISIS for their own publicity.

If there was a credible threat with tangible evidence, the event would have been cancelled right away, and Atlanta would have been attacked 10 times already.

If we succumb to paranoia and a victim mentality, then the terrorists have succeeded in changing our way of life. In reality you are more likely to be hit by a car. If you have tickets, go have fun!


The authorities have confirmed that there is no credible threat according to Tweets from Triple H:

“Federal, state and local law enforcement authorities have confirmed there is no specific or credible information involving a threat against tomorrow’s WWE Survivor Series at Philips Arena. However, WWE and Philips Arena have coordinated with the appropriate agencies and law enforcement, and significantly increased security measures to ensure the safety of all those in attendance, which is our highest priority. Doors will open at 6 p.m. to help fans avoid any delays in entering the arena due to the additional precautionary security procedures put in place. Fans are encouraged to take public transportation (MARTA) to the event and are advised that bags will not be permitted in the arena.”




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