Cody Stuck In WWE Contract, Flair To Be Confronted, Apollo Crews Cried

Cody Rhodes WWE contract

Clause Preventing Cody Working Elsewhere

Although WWE always enforces a non-compete clause for departing wrestlers, so they can’t immediately jump to another promotion with momentum, Cody Rhodes is stuck behind even more red tape according to the Wrestling Observer. A relatively new clause states that wrestlers are prevented from working until their contract itself expires. So effectively talent is not released, just allowed to go home.

CM Punk faced the same issue but his lawyer managed to sort it out.

Ex-ROH Owner Confronting Ric Flair

Cary Silkin says he’s going to confront Ric Flair over a $41,000 debt. The former ROH owner paid the WWE Hall of Famer in advance to work as an ambassador back in 2009, but he jumped to TNA without fulfilling several obligations and refused to return the funds. A lawsuit was filed, but it got dropped when ROH was sold to Sinclair Broadcasting.

Apollo Crews Thought Call-up Was A Joke

Apollo Crews told The State Journal-Register that he initially thought his main roster call-up was a joke:

“I didn’t find out (it was happening) until the Friday before that. It was April Fools’ (Day). I thought it was a joke. But when it really hit me and I realized what was going on I just started breaking down crying tears of happiness. It was cool for me because I don’t remember the last time I shed a tear of any kind of emotion. So it was cool just to see my dreams come true. … It’s the most satisfying feeling ever.”


