Cody Rhodes Praises Tye Dillinger, Former WWE Star Missing, Nice Flair Story

Cody Rhodes Puts Over NXT Star
In a recent appearance on the Art of Wrestling Cody Rhodes and Colt Cabana both discussed how much they like Tye Dillinger and can’t fathom why he’s never progressed through developmental.
The new Global Force Champion called him the “greatest human being alive” and says he’s afraid to Tweet support for him because he doesn’t want his own heat with the office to rub off.
“I’m not sure. He’s never done anything [wrong] to my knowledge,” says Rhodes when describing “the mystery of Tye Dillinger.”
“We were talking about this earlier off the record. We were talking about the Canadians. I don’t know if he kind of has a Canadian vibe (and ‘Canadian vibe’ does not connote anything negative). But did it make someone in the office upset with him?”
Cody also revealed how his father Dusty would barely spend any time on Dillinger because he was ready for the main roster years ago.
“If a guy already had it, he didn’t spend a lot of time on them. Daniel Bryan is a great example. Barely kind of blew Dan off too. But in his reports, wrote, ‘this guy’s ready – what can I do?’ That’s the Tye Dillinger report from his fifth year in developmental. And, literally, that was what my dad always wrote about Tye, ‘what is he still doing here?'”
“The mystery of Tye. It’s a mystery. I think the only way to fix it is to every time you go to these events, like fans who go to NXT events, you need to give him everything because he’ll give it back, man.”
Pat Tanaka Missing
The wife of former WWE star Pat Tanaka revealed on social media on Friday that her husband is missing and suffering from ill health. There is currently no word on if he returned, but we hope everything turns out ok!
Endearing Ric Flair Story
As much as we love the wild antics of Ric Flair, former WCW star PN News shared a more humble story about the WWE Hall of Famer in an interview with Pancakes and Powerslams. This was when P.N. was known as Cannonball Grizzly and worked the Pacific Northwest territory under Don Owens:
“I remember when I was out in the Pacific Northwest when it was still the NWA, it wasn’t WCW yet, and the NWA would go out to all the territories. He would have the title, and our top guy was The Grappler at the time. One time he wrestled Flair for the World Heavyweight Championship, and they would do the rounds to all the NWA affiliates. And Flair come in, he flew in, and it wasn’t much of a house [money that came in]. We actually drew more money a couple of weeks earlier without everybody else coming in.
“I was sitting in the office with Don Owens, sitting there talking to him and picking people’s brains, especially [Owens]. Flair comes in and he goes, ‘Don. I know what the house is like. Don’t worry about the percentage deal. Just give me 50 dollars out of the house and we’ll call it good.’ I was like, wow, dude, this is the World Heavyweight Champion and he just said just give me a 50 and we’ll call it good. He was even disappointed in himself. Don gave him the percentage anyway, but I thought that was real big of Flair.”