Bully Ray Defends Roman Reigns, DDP Radio Incident, Kevin Owens Out of Shape?

Bully Ray Roman Reigns

Bully Ray Argues With Fan

Bully Ray got in to it with a fan on Twitter regarding the crowd reaction to Roman Reigns on RAW. The former WWE star agreed with Reigns’ gesture on the show that he had the crowd in the palm of his hands, but one fan argued that ‘the big dog’ doesn’t have proper ‘heat’ and fans genuinely hate him.

Reigns who seemingly retired The Undertaker at WrestleMania said just one thing during the opening of the show – “It’s my yard now.”

DDP Hangs Up On Radio Interview

Diamond Dallas Page hung up on a radio interview this week when the host brought up old heat the 2017 Hall of Famer had with Ric Flair.

The WCW icon was on The Dan Le Batard Show With Stugotz and was asked about his most memorable “beef.” When DDP responded with details on his 1997 feud with Macho Man, host Le Batard clarified that he meant real life beef.

He went on to pressure DDP about old comments made in Ric Flair’s book and alleged heat with Scott Steiner.

Page tried to explain that he and Flair had smoothed things over but eventually left the interview in anger at the line of questioning.

“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” yelled the yoga guru. “I’m Positively Page! You think I’m going to flame your garbage? Asshole! f–k you!”

Ryback Says Owens Should Work Out

Former WWE star Ryback took aim at Kevin Owens in a recent episode of his podcast – saying the United States champion should work out more.

“I’ll say this, Kevin, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t workout, from what I understand, but don’t quote me 100% on that. Maybe he started or he didn’t, but he’s never… everybody has a different genetic level of where they’re at and he, like Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts, I always heard he had great cardio and I don’t picture him on the StairMaster. There [are] guys that just have a higher threshold of cardio capacity. That does exist. And so I don’t agree if Kevin doesn’t workout because I think it would just improve his life in general and all that. But I wrestled him in there. I think his conditioning could be better if he was like that, but it [has] never hurt him. You’ve never watched a match of his and it [has] never hindered his performance. And he knows what he can do and what he can’t do, and he knows how to pace himself, which is a skill in itself.”




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