Can Lesnar Be Drafted? Alberto Defends Drunken Video, Foley Done With WWE, Angle Interview

Paul Heyman On ‘Superstar Shakeup’

Paul Heyman made the following statement regarding Brock Lesnar’s role in next week’s ‘Superstar Shakeup.’

While my client Brock Lesnar and I are looking forward to WWE’s #SuperstarShakeup this coming Monday, let’s be perfectly transparent. There is everyone else on the WWE #RAW and #Smackdown rosters, and then there is Brock Lesnar (along with his humble #Advocate) ..It is imperative for Shane McMahon, Daniel Bryan, Stephanie McMahon, Kurt Angle and even Vince McMahon to know the intrinsic value my client Brock Lesnar brings not only to the #SuperstarShakeup but simply to WWE as a whole. In layman’s terms (or, actually, in HEYMAN’s terms), even the mere DISCUSSION about BrockLesnar in regards to the #SuperstarShakeup requires a negotiation IN ADVANCE of any discussion, no matter how high up or serious that discussion goes! #SuperstarShakeup. With this in mind, my client Brock Lesnar and I are “open4business” and we look forward to hearing new, innovative ways for WWE to ….promote / market Brock Lesnar as the once-ever athlete and performer that has blessed WWE with his presence.

Alberto Stands Behind Drunken Rant

Alberto El Patron is not embarrassed by his recent drunken periscope video. In fact he doubled-down and did it again:

“Everybody knows the way I feel about that company. Everybody knows the way I feel about those pu**ies from WWE, and I’m gonna say it again. Those pu**ies from the WWE, especially, the one with the big nose. So, I said it again and I’m going to put it on the site, because I don’t care anymore.

There are some dumb a**es out there, just liking to talk crap about [Paige and I] or about what we do. They only see the bad things, they don’t see the good things we do.”

Foley Also Leaves WWE

Mick Foley follows Steve Austin in no longer being contracted to WWE in any way. During JR’s one-man show in Orlando he revealed that he hasn’t actually been under contract for a while and was working on a ‘handshake agreement.’

This would also imply that there isn’t another Holy Foley season in the works.

Speaking of Foley, the WWE Hall of Famer was a recent guest on Talk Is Jericho and discussed lying to Vince about jumping off the Hell In A Cell.

“I told a couple of the biggest lies of my life that day.” Foley recalled, “I said, ‘hey, what if I came off the top?’ and Vince [replied], ‘absolutely not.’ And I went into sell mode and I said, ‘well, if I was going to drop an elbow off there and somebody’s going to move, you’d probably let me do that, right?’. It’s leading questions and he goes, ‘I guess.’ ‘Well, it’s the same thing. I’m in total control.'”

He also explained that when Undertaker gave him the Chokeslam on the top of the cell, the panel was only supposed to break a little bit and Taker was going to roll him down the gap. Instead it just snapped and the rest is history.

“It was going to tear a little bit. And then, Taker was going to stuff me through the hole. The big visual to me was I was going to be hanging upside down. Like my arms and flailing and this. And the bump itself, ‘alright, I just have to be able to rotate, land on my hands and knees, maybe we’ll risk your wrist, your knee, but nothing real major.’ And I got approval for that.”

Kurt Angle Explains His Early Character

Kurt Angle was also a recent guest on Chris Jericho’s podcast. He discussed how he couldn’t understand why fans would boo an Olympic gold medalist, but Vince told him “trust me, they’re going to hate you!”

He went on to explain how Vince took what happened with The Rock’s original character, but planned it out deliberately.

“He said that we are going to force you down their throats and make you seem like you are a babyface, but you are going to be a guy that is so perfect the fans are going to be annoyed by you. I said that it wasn’t going to happen and that I was an Olympic Gold Medalist, the United States of America. I’m going to be touring all these cities and he told me to trust him, they will hate me. I think he tried to do it with The Rock, with some sort of character like that, but it backfired on him and that he knew it would backfire again, so we’re going to do this the right way this time.”

The 2017 Hall of Famer was also asked about whether his amateur skills helped him in the ring:

“I don’t think it was the wrestling background, it was really hard when I started. I was having a hard time the first few days where they were telling me that I have to allow this guy to pick me up and slam me, I have to show emotion, I’m like, I’ve never shown emotion and I don’t give my body to people so your instincts tell you to not do this and you know, you’ve done amateur wrestling for 20 years where you go for the kill, there’s no storytelling, no showing the crowd emotion, no give and take, it’s all take, take, take, but I just said, you know, you have to forget everything that you learned and start over again. I’ve always been a kid with a big imagination. I pretended to be a basketball player, I pretended to be in the NBA Finals or the Superbowl. I have a big imagination, and I think that helps in our sport in WWE and what we do in professional wrestling you have to have a big imagination, you have to come up with ideas and characters and finishes where people go wow! So, I have always been intrigued by that.”




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