Austin vs Lesnar Won’t Happen, Bischoff Confirms DVD, Dusty Rhodes Tournament Update

Brock Lesnar Steve Austin

Austin Denies Rumors of Lesnar Match

Steve Austin vs Brock Lesnar – It’s a match that could have happened in 2002 when the Beast was just breaking in, but The Rattlesnake was in a bad place and made the decision to walk out instead of putting Lesnar over.

Fast forward over a decade later and Austin has apologized and explained his actions, stating that he would have been happy to do the job if there was a strong build and it was on a PPV. While some are hoping this might happen at Wrestlemania 32, Austin himself denied the rumors:

It’s not clear where these recent reports started, but Austin and Wrestlemania have been rumored for at least the past 3 years, mostly due to the Hall of Famer himself not ruling out a final match and claiming he could get in to ring shape. Could, of course doesn’t mean he will. It also doesn’t mean WWE’s doctors would clear him with his history of neck issues.

Austin will be interviewing Lesnar on his WWE Network podcast next month.

He will also join Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair in an in-ring panel on the October 19th RAW from Dallas, to give thoughts on Lesnar vs The Undertaker at Hell In A Cell.

Eric Bischoff Confirms WWE DVD

Eric Bischoff has confirmed reports that WWE are releasing a DVD and Blu-ray set, with a new documentary about his career. After years of promoting a self-serving narrative on Bischoff’s role at WCW and the company’s downfall, they finally seem to be giving Bischoff the chance to tell his side of the story, some of which we got on JBL’s excellent WWE Network interview.

Cody and Goldust to Present Trophy

Cody Rhodes and Goldust will present the winners of the NXT Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic with a trophy, they revealed in an interview with

“It’s great though that you ask, because the Dusty Rhodes tag tournament taking place in NXT is something he would really be proud of because of all the platforms it gives to talent, including independent talent that came in for a shot to win the Dusty Rhodes tag tournament. I will actually be there myself, (as) me — for the first time a while on WWE programming — Cody Rhodes and my brother will be there to present the trophy, which I’m looking forward to seeing.”

[My guess is Cody will simply be Cody and there will be no mention or Stardust or the appearance thereafter.]

The legendary Dusty Rhodes who was the head of creative at NXT, passed away on June 10th.




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