TNA Launching Streaming Network? Cody On Leaving WWE, Broken Matt Got Votes?

TNA Network

TNA Looks Ahead To Future

Despite all of the recent controversy TNA is still looking ahead to the future. In a recent conference call with the roster and staff, Chairman Dixie Carter revealed preliminary plans to use existing and future TNA content to create an “over the top” online streaming service, similar to the WWE Network.

It was announced last week that Anthem Media (the parent company of Canada’s Fight Network) have taken a stake in TNA, with Eric Nordholm steering the ship. They now reportedly have the funding to move forward.

Cody On TNA Run

Cody Rhodes discussed his recent TNA run in an new interview with ESPN. “This was a considerably big thing for me,” said the second generation star. “It’s been a long time since I was out there as just me. I was really proud of the matches I was able to have during my time with TNA.”

Rhodes was keen to point out that he wants to control his own destiny and that’s why he never locked anything in long term with TNA.

“A lot of times when people are released or, unfortunately, get fired, they almost scramble for what it is they are going to do next. I think when you are no longer working under a big, corporate umbrella, you have to be your own brand, your own enterprise. That was my thought process before I left.”

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