TNA and Billy Corgan Settle, Impact Rating, Kazarian On TNA’s Struggle

TNA Corgan loan

TNA Pays Off Corgan’s Loan

TNA have solved their issues with Billy Corgan and settled what was nearly a $2 million loan. This means the Smashing Pumpkins frontman will not be getting a stake in the company and as of now, is no longer affiliated with them in any way. Corgan notes on social media that he’ll have more details soon:

Anthem Media (parent company of Canada’s Fight Network and TNA’s new financiers) made the following statement:

Impact Rating Drops

This week’s episode of Impact Wrestling on POP drew an average audience of 319,000 viewers, down from the previous week’s 359,000 number.

Kaz Discusses TNA’s Struggle

Former TNA star Kazarian discussed the company’s struggles in a recent interview with CBS:

All I know is what I’m told from people that are in the know or things that I read — even though I try my damnedest not to read anything because you just don’t know whether it’s true or not. It seems like they continue to go through struggle after struggle. It seems like it’s one of those “when it rains it pours” situations over there, and now it turned into an ugly legal battle.

I just think “God, what must the roster be thinking?” Regardless of how much they’re told by management that everything is okay and they’re assured things are going to be alright… I know how it was when I was there. We’d heard these rumblings internally, and it’s our nature to be paranoid. You would start questioning things.

All I can say is that I really do hope they can come out the other side of this. If it takes a management shakeup and a creative shakeup to right the ship and get things back on track, then so be it. There are some very talented people there in front of the camera and behind the camera that deserve to be on a pro wrestling show. I haven’t watched the show or followed too closely, but when you’re in the business, you can’t help but to hear things. I’ve reached out to a couple guys that work in the office, and they seem optimistic.

It’s just unfortunate. It seems that’s TNA’s lot in life. Since day one, or at least since I was there, it’s always been “when are the doors going to close?” and “the place can’t survive.” We listened to that the whole time I was there, and they’re still hearing it. It just seems like it’s a little closer to reality now. I hope internally they can finally, finally, finally get their stuff together and focus on a quality wrestling show. Wrestling has taken a backseat to the garbage going on behind the scenes, and that’s unfortunate.

In the full interview he also discusses Dixie’s management style, going to ROH, his music career, and more.




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