AJ Styles Open To GFW, Jarrett Talks Piracy

AJ Styles Jeff Jarrett

A Matter of Time before AJ Styles joins GFW

Although he doesn’t want to commit to TNA, AJ Styles recently told Inside The Ropes that GFW could be a possibility if the scheduling works out.

I think that there’s definitely an opening, it’s just finding an opening in the schedule. That’s the biggest problem we’ve come across is my schedule is so full that it’s hard to fit me in. That’s the problem we’re having right now. I always stay bus but I’d say it’s only a matter of time before I show up in Global Force.

If GFW gets a TV deal it will be interesting to see where ROH stands in terms of sharing talent. TNA have already blocked Tyrus.

Jeff Jarrett says Piracy is a Sign of Interest

Jeff Jarret was recently asked the interesting question of whether online piracy is going to be detrimental to GFW. He told PW Pop:

“There’s no doubt it happens with Wrestlemania,” says Jarrett. “I know for a fact it happened in mass to New Japan WrestleKingdom 9. Unfortunately, that’s the world we live in. The music business has been hit harder by that than any other business I know of. It is something that you have to strategize and figure out and move on because you’re not going to stop piracy.”

Unfortunately that’s the downside to technology. But there’s a lot of upside to technology in the fact that the fanbases can go online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and watch wrestling from literally all around the globe. You can hop on YouTube, hop on WWE Network, hop on all the other platforms, and that excites me about the interest in pro wrestling. The downside, one of my guys talked to me about Wrestle Kingdom 9 and how many people used bittorrent sites for theft. He said the downside is a lot of people stole it. But the good side is, a lot of people wanted to steal it. So , you’ve got to sort of take the good with the bad. You have to figure out how you can strategize, progress and move through the piracy issues.




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