NXT Star Knocked Out, Bret Hart Update, Sunny Hospitalized, Stephanie Hacked

Riddick Moss injured

NXT Star Has Scary Moment

NXT wrestler Riddick Moss was knocked out cold at the recent Jacksonville, Forida, house show. During a 6-man tag match with Dash, Dawson & Moss vs Sami Zayn, Enzo & Cass, Moss landed badly during a Triple Suplex and was unresponsive for over a minute.

The match was quickly ended and paramedics came down to help Moss to the back.

It’s believed that because he landed first he got some kind of whiplash from the force of everyone else.

Bret Hart Has Surgery

Bret Hart released the following statement after having successful prostate cancer surgery:

Sunny Has Pancreatitis

WWE Hall of Famer turned porn star – Sunny – was hospitalized this week because of pancreatitis.

Stephanie McMahon’s Instagram Hacked

For a brief period yesterday Stephanie McMahon’s Instagram was hacked and was renamed “bro tweets.” Most of it was just spam and wasn’t WWE related.




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