Triple H’s Daughter Overjoyed At Title Win, Wants To Be Diva

Aurora Murphy Triple H Daughters

He might have helped screw Roman Reigns out of his Championship run (kayfabe) and undeservedly put the title on himself (smarkfabe), but Triple H has at least one hardcore fan that jumped out their seat when he won this year’s Royal Rumble – his daughter.

Stephanie told the Miami Herald this week that the Authority heiress had not been smartened up beforehand.

“I actually have video of my daughter Aurora because we didn’t tell her it was gonna happen,” explains Steph. “Like everybody else, she had no idea Triple H, my husband, was going to be in the Royal Rumble, let alone win it. So I have this awesome video of her, and she was just beyond thrilled and wrote him one of the most beautiful notes that I have ever seen. It’s just amazing … What a wonderful life.”

The last time Triple H was Champ was 2009 when Aurora was only 2 years old, so it’s her first real memory of papa Game winning the gold, despite his 14 time personal record.

Perhaps in the future she herself will be screwing over the women and crowning herself Diva’s Champion. Out of the younger McMahons she seems to be the keenest to join the family business.

“[She] has really been bit by the bug. She wants to be a Diva more than you can imagine,” revealed Steph in an appearance on CBS Sports.

Billion Dollar Princess 2.0 here we come!


Middle daughter Murphy practising her “you’re fired” face.




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